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Vinyl Box
February 2025's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win a Limited Edition Pro-Ject Spin Clean MKII for this Fe...
February's Selection 💚
Vinyl Box - February's Selection ! 💚
January 2025's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win a Pro-Ject Speaker Box 5 White speakers for this Janua...
January's Selection 💜
Vinyl Box - January's Selection ! 💜
December 2024's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win a Pro-Ject Debut 3 Esprit turntable for this December'...
December's Selection ❤️
Vinyl Box - December's Selection ! ❤️
November's Selection 🤎
Vinyl Box - November's Selection ! 🤎
November 2024's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win a Vinyl Doc from Lyon Béton for this November's Golden...
October's Selection 💙
Vinyl Box - October's Selection 💙
October 2024's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win 3 PRIZES for October 2024's Golden Ticket! 🎫
September 2024's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win a Sumiko Pearl MM Stylus for September 2024's Golden T...
September's Selection 🧡
Vinyl Box - September's Selection 🧡
August's Selection ❤️
Vinyl Box - August's exclusive selection ❤️
July's Selection
Vinyl Box - July's exclusive selection ! ?
Promo Box - Thelonious Monk
? Special offer: a FREE Thelonious Monk record with every Vinyl Box su...
June's Selection
Vinyl Box -June's exclusive selection ! ?
What are the solutions for an eco-friendly vinyl?
It is no news anymore: with a tripling of global record sales over the...
#Golden Ticket
May's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win 2 tickets for the Insula Festival for May's Golden Tic...
May's Selection !
Vinyl Box - March's exclusive selection ! ❤️
April's Selection !
Vinyl Box - March's exclusive selection ! ?
#Golden Ticket
March's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win 1 Pro-ject upgrade set advanced! 🎫
March's Selection !
Vinyl Box - March's exclusive selection! ?
10% Off Make Now Spring Packages + Free Color Eco-Mix Upgrade
Discover our packages including recycled black vinyl and free color ec...
#Golden Ticket
February's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - 3 steel storage racks for vinyl + a signed DJ CAM vinyl to...
#Music#legends #BlackHistoryMonth
February is Black History Month! The perfect opportunity to celebrate ...
February's Selection !
Vinyl Box - February's exclusive selection! ??
#Golden Ticket
January's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - A Sumiko Pearl phono cartbridge to be won for January! 🎫
#Vinyl#Nostalgia #GenZ
Vinyl sales accelerated in 2023, a record!
January's Selection !
Vinyl Box - January's exclusive selection! ❄️?
#Golden Ticket
December's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - A set of accessories and an annual subscription to Tsugi m...
December's Selection !
Vinyl Box - December's exclusive selection! ❄️?
#Fanbasegrowth#Indieartists #Trends
4 Powerful Trends for Independent Musicians to Grow Their Fanbase in 2023
In today's digital age, independent musicians have more opportunities ...
#Golden Ticket
November's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Win the new Woodbrass DXPRO15 for the November's Golden Ti...
November's Selection !
Vinyl Box - November's exclusive selection! ??
October's Selection !
Vinyl Box - October's exclusive selection! ??
#Golden Ticket
September's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Two Legend Vinyl Storage & Caring Packs to be won for the ...
September's Selection !
Vinyl Box - September's exclusive selection! ?☀️
#Golden Ticket
August's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - A pair of Steljes NS1 active speakers for the prize of Aug...
August's Selection !
Vinyl Box - August's exclusive selection! ?☀️
#Golden Ticket
July's Golden Ticket! 🎫
Vinyl Box - Two Sumiko Oyster phono cartridges to be won for the month...
#diggers factory
Our new Green Option
Discover our new eco-friendly vinyl pressing option
#Golden Ticket
June's Golden Ticket ! 🎫
Vinyl Box - The A1 turntable from Pro-Ject is the prize to be won with...
June's selection !
Vinyl Box - June's exclusive selection! ?☀️
They tried and approved our services ! Our interview with BUBSON
They tried and approved our services ! Our interview with BUBSON
The "Ice Ice Baby" Controversy
The controversy surrounding the plagiarism claims about the "Ice Ice B...
They tried and approved our services ! Our interview with BROKEN JAW
They tried and approved our services! Our interview with BROKEN JAW
Special Selection : Women's rights day
Here is our special selection celebrating our women artist on this int...
The genius of Ennio Morricone
The spectaculary life and career of Ennio Morricone
The sound of horror: John Carpenter's music that scared the world.
The sound of horror: John Carpenter's music that scared the world.
#Vinyl record
How to equip your turntable? Sound Outputs
Discover an article dedicated to sound output system of turntables!
#vinyl record
Which engraving technique for my vinyl? DMM versus Lacquer
This is one of the questions that most often comes to the ears of our ...
#Vinyl record
How to equip your turntable? The Cells
Discover an article dedicated to turntable cells!
#Vinyl record
How to equip your turntable?
Discover the essentials to optimize your turntable!
Women In the Music Industry
A short reflection from our team about the place of women in music ind...
What is the difference between digital and vinyl mastering ?
We answer to the questions about mastering with Sam Berdah-Pacquier, m...
Vinyl records, an eco-friendly consumption ?
Looking for women in the vinyl industry? Check out our selection of wo...
Valentine's Day Specials
All you need is love and vinyl ... check out our Valentine's Day selec...
#marina trench
Interview Marina Trench X Diggers Factory
Interview with the DJ and producer Marina Trench
The duration of a vinyl side
What is the maximum duration a vinyl record can contain?
Diggers Factory connects artists, fans and music professionals in order to press vinyl records in very limited editions. With your help, we create a brand new distribution model, fairer and more intelligent.
Diggers Factory
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